Virutal Excursions

  1. Five amazing National Parks virtual tours

  2. National Park Foundation

  3. Another National Park Service entry point

  4. Readers' Digest National Park link list

  5. National Park Topics from A to Z

  6. 20 places you can visit online from Travel Zoo

  7. 20 sacred places around the world from Travel Zoo

  8. Visit the Faroe Islands

  9. Best virtual field trips 

  10. Crater Lake Video Tour

  11. Statue of Liberty Tour

  12. Smithsonian Institute

  13. Virtual tours Florida

  14. Virtual Hawaii Tour

  15. Zoo webcams

  16. Channeled Scablands, Washington State

  17. Channeled Scablands YouTube Nick on the Rocks

  18. Homeschooler virtual field trips

  19. Central Florida Zoo

  20. Film School Shorts

    Things to do in Chicago (after Covid)

Activities and Events in the Chicago Area

  1. Chicagoland (Coldwell Banker link to many cities' activities)

  2. WBEZ events

  3. Chicago Reader Events

Iraq, Turkey and Vietnam videos

1. Turkey Tourism cats

2. Tour of Nha Trang, Vietnam 16:16

3. Can you retire in Nha Trang on $1,000/month? 20:37

4. Beautiful Iraq 3:38

5. Top 10 places in Iraq 2:10



Level 3/4 2020 Activities