Silent "e" and Bossy "r" Pronunciation and Function
Bill explains silent "e"
Video explanation 2
(skip to minute 1:00, 5:42 total)
General silent "e" explanation
Comprehensive written explanation of how silent "e" affects words and pronunciation
Written and spoken silent "e" discussion)
Written explanation, many examples
Good written explanation
Another written explanation
Extensive, very thorough explanation with many examples
(unfortunately contains some bizarre grammar mistakes)
Multiple silent "e" games
Wordwall main bossy "r" page
Ten question quiz
A few worksheets about silent "e"
10 question quiz
10 more questions
General silent letter activities
Silent "e" audio quizzes
General, very extensive, spelling site (great for regular past tense)
Related information
The "Y" rule
The "doubling" rule
20 question "doubling" rule quiz
Bossy "r"
Short video explanation
Another short video explanation
Video explanation 2
Video explanation 3
More pronunciation
Rong-Chang pronunciation
Word pairs and more, with audio
Pronunciation of words ending in "S", third person singular, plurals, etc.
ESL Blues quiz
Nine question quiz
Worksheet style activities, plus Elemental English video
7:51 video
Ten question quiz
Written explanation
More thorough and technical explanation
Written and video explanation plus quiz
Wordwall, many pronunciation games
10 question quiz
Thorough explanation with audio, examples and quizzes
Explanation with audio and seven question quiz
Quick 10 question quiz
25 question quiz
Eva Easton explanation and 25 question quiz
Links to two Woodward English videos, explanation video and quiz video