Present, Past & Future Time Clauses
Present Time Clauses
Explanation of time clauses in English Grammar from "Focus"
Exercises related to above explanation
ESL Buzz good explanation of time clauses with examples
Explanation with non-interactive quiz
Short explanation with 10 question quiz
Graphic and text explanation
Brief explanation with 10 question quiz (tolearnenglish)
Advanced explanation
Worksheet with answer key
Past Time Clauses
Video explanation, Before & After
Video explanation, When
ThoughtCo written explanation and quiz
To Learn English p.t.c. quiz
English Zone quiz, non-interactive
(Present & past tense)
Purpose Games t.c. quiz
two questions :-(
When and while quiz from English Zone
Multiple To Learn exercises
Many more t.c. exercises from Focus
Future Time Clauses
Mark Roberts' future time clauses explanation part 1 of 2
Mark Roberts' part two of above video explanation
English Zone 20 part quiz
Quiz 1
English Zone 10 question multiple choice quiz
Quiz 2
ESL Library simple future
General simple future tense explanation
Another simple future tense explanation
Future time clause quiz with 10 difficult questions
Cloze activity with 15 questions
Three part future time clause quiz
Ten questions, no answers given without $$$
Wordwall future time clauses 1
Wordwall time clauses 2
Wordwall time clauses 3
ISL Collective video lesson 1
ISL Collective video lesson 2
ISL Collective video lesson 3
Wordwall 4
Wordwall 5
General Word Wall future time clauses activities