Verbs - Past Tense
Rules and Explanations
YouTube regular past tense rules
YouTube past tense rules with negative forms
Story/Explanation video with rules
Simple past tense explanation with rules, pronunciation and short video
Another simple past explanation
(with non-interactive sentence activity and 2:29 video)
Thorough written explanation with spelling rules
(Dave's ESL Cafe)
Elizabeth O'Brien's Simple Past Tense Explanation
(rules and some irregular examples)
Regular past tense
(listening activity)
Irregular past tense
(listening activity)
All You Can Eat
(listening activity)
Cat Lovers
(listening activity)
18 Question Verb tense quiz
(very advanced)
John's Past Tense Pronunciation page
Short fill-in quiz
(regular verbs only!)
Another Simple Past Tense Regular Verb Fill-in Quiz
Regular past tense Jeopardy style game
General past tense Jeopardy style game
Simon's Cat Past Tense video lesson
ISL Collective simple past video lesson
Excellent five part past tense quiz page
(regular and irregular)
Multiple choice verb forms
(regular and irregular)
Fill-in simple past quiz
(regular and irregular)
Multi-part past tense page
(regular and irregular)
Another simple past fill-in quiz
(regular and irregular)
Irregular past tense fill-in quiz
(10 questions)
Another irregular fill-in quiz
(10 questions)
Irregular Verb Spelling Game
Irregular Past Tense Jeopardy Game
Monkey, see my Quizlet set on this quiz
Simple Past Tense Fill-in Quiz
(regular and irregular)
25 Fill-in Irregular Verb Sentences
Challenging Jeopardy Style Past Tense Game
(regular and irregular)
Irregular Past Tense Fill-in
Irregular Verb Spelling Game 2
Past Tense Listening Games
(many sections and kinds of games)
ISL Collective video lesson 1
(regular and irregular)
ISL Collective video lesson 2
(reg and irreg)
Elllo past tense listening
("Did" questions)
Past simple quiz
with link to many more
English Hints irregular verb concentration memory game
Live Worksheets past simple irregular verbs